Ray Troll Stickers & Magnets by Post Industrial Press

Ray’s work has been described as “scientific surrealism” a label that he’s okay with. He’s widely recognized for his obsessively detailed scientifically accurate artwork along with his offbeat, quirky sense of humor.

In his studio on a hill above Tongass Narrows in rainy Ketchikan, Alaska, Ray Troll creates fishy images that swim into museums, books and magazines, and onto stickers and magnets found around the world. He draws his inspiration from extensive fieldwork and the latest scientific discoveries, bringing a street-smart sensibility to the worlds of ichthyology and paleontology.

Post Industrial Press has been printing Ray Troll artwork for a very long time.

FOB: Washington

Minimum Opening Order: 24 each design

Minimum Reorder: 24 each design

Lead Rep: Lisa - lisab@storter.com

Product Examples:


Ray Troll Shirts by Moss Green


SJT Enterprises